


Slightly more than 100 胜博发郡学院 学生 work on-campus or perform 社区 service work off-campus 在学年期间. On campus they work in 学术 departments, laboratories, administrative offices, and the library. 许多学生从事文书工作. A student with specialized skills or training may find a job that uses that skill, 例如, 一个救生员. Off campus employment at 社区 service jobs, including reading and math tutoring are available.


The Federal Work Study program (FWS) is a federally funded financial 援助 program. The purpose of the program is to place financially eligible 学生 on campus in part-time employment so that 学生 can earn funds while attending college. To be considered for FWS funds a student must file a FAFSA form, and must be financially eligible according to federal and college policies. Students must also fill out a Federal 勤工俭学申请 and submit it for consideration. Students must file a FAFSA each year and must continue to be financially eligible to participate. Students will be notified of potential job placement via their college email account.

Eligible 学生 may also use their award to work off-campus for 社区 service agencies tutoring reading and math at elementary schools in the area, 非营利机构也是如此.

Whether working on or off campus the FWS program provides the opportunity for 学生 to interact with future employers, 获取引用, 见见学院的工作人员和管理人员, 其他学生, 玩得开心, 最重要的是有所作为!

  • 学生必须工作以赚取勤工俭学基金. A work study award is not a guarantee of employment or earnings totaling the work study award. A student may only earn up to the amount of the work study award.
  • Student employees are p援助 the current 状态 minimum wage per hour for on-campus jobs and off-campus jobs (currently $16.(截至2023-2024年).
  • A work study award may be made for Fall and/or Spring term(s).
  • The number of hours of work per week varies from job to job; however, the maximum hours a student may work is 20 hours per week within a term. 最少是10小时.
  • A student’s work schedule and the number of hours worked may vary from term to term because of their course load, 课程表, 还有课外活动. The student must make work schedule arrangements with their supervisor each term.
  • If a student worked on-campus 15 hours per week for both terms (15 weeks/term), 他们可以赚到大约7美元,200. (也就是说,每小时16美元. X 15小时./wk. X 15周X 2学期= $7,200)

The 金融援助 Office coordinates the College 勤工俭学计划. Students are notified of their eligibility to participate in the work study program through their college email accounts; included in this email is a link to the Federal 勤工俭学申请 Form (you can also find the form link below while the FWS hiring period remains open). Notification of job placement begins in early July via 学生 college email accounts.


  • 勤工俭学申请
    (请注意 application is currently closed and will open again July 1st for Fall 2024)

Student employees are p援助 every two weeks based on the number of hours reported on their time sheets. A paycheck is mailed to the student’s permanent mailing address or direct deposited. Student earnings are not credited directly to a student’s account.

First-time workers complete a W-4 IRS tax withholding form and a U.S. 司法部表格I-9. To complete the tax form the student must provide their social security number and determine the number of allowances for withholding tax they want to claim. Under the Immigration Reform Act the College is required to have every employee complete a Form I-9. To comply with this law a first-time employee must furnish one of the items listed in List A, 或者列表B中的一个加上列表C中的一个. Students must show the Work Study Coordinator the documents at the time they sign up for payroll. The documents must be originals, and if a birth certificate is used, it must be certified.


  1. 将鼠标悬停在胜博发网站顶部的“我的胜博发”标签上
  2. 从下拉菜单中选择“胜博发连接”
  3. Select “Self Service for 教师 and 工作人员” from the left hand menu
  4. 在主界面选择“银行信息”
  5. 在“活动帐户”下选择“+添加帐户”按钮
  6. Follow the directions on the screen to add your bank account information